Reflections on 2023


Another interesting and challenging year for many people this year.  Some of you were keeping any eye on the General Election earlier this year, others keeping an eye on their mortgage interest rates, and still others on the wars in Ukraine and Gaza and conflicts or weather events in other places.

As we come to the end of the year and reflect on these last 12 months, we have seen and experienced many things both good and bad, joy and despair – but not too many of us have it as bad as those we watch online or read about.  So, while you are busy shopping and cooking, catching up with loved ones or taking that long awaited holiday break you may wish to consider adding a donation to your shopping list. 

Readers of the Shellock website know that World Vision is our charity of choice – it aligns with our values and has a significant world-wide impact.  You may prefer Red Cross or Red Crescent, or a local charity such as KidsCan, your local foodbank or the Cancer Society.  Whatever your preference, consider giving like someone is watching and someone is in need this Christmas season.  And, our final tax advice for the year is:  Donations to charities and not-for-profits are tax deductible for businesses and provide tax credits for individuals.

Thank you for your support this year and we wish you a safe and peaceful Christmas and New Year.

Christmas and New Year hours – Our office will be closed from mid-day Friday 15th December 2023, reopening Monday 15th January 2024.


Budget 2024

Here at Shellock we take a close interest in the night sky.  We hope you enjoy this photo of Aurora Australis, taken by J Moot

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Reflections on 2023

Another interesting and challenging year for many people this year.  Some of you were keeping any eye on the General Election earlier this year, others

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Budget 2023

Budget 2023The New Zealand Government released its 2023 Budget, on Thursday 18th May 2023. If you blinked you might have missed it. It has been

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The Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector, Priyanca Radhakrishnan, has announced the introduction of the Charities Amendment Bill.  While the content of the Bill

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