Christmas Wishes
Beautiful sunset from Aoraki Mount Cook Farm High Country Cottages


This year we at Shellock Consulting Ltd would like to wish you peace and quiet for Christmas and the New Year.  Unless you have had too much of that already, and you just want to “get out of Auckland”.

Our lead photo* was taken looking out from the front of a wonderful High Country Cottage at Pukaki in March 2021**.  Away from the madding crowds but within easy driving distance of some awesome natural and manmade structures, which include Aoraki Mt Cook (naturally), Lake Tekapo, Mt John observatory, and Benmore Dam where Grandad Shellock worked for the Ministry of Works. 

For those of a more adventure style, there are cycle trails throughout the whole McKenzie area and more walks, climbs and fishing than you can shake a fishing rod at.  For those more sedate, you can rise early to see awesome sunrises, and at the end of the day after soaking in the hot pools at Lake Tekapo, you can take a glass of wine outside, rug up, lean back in your chair, and watch the night sky pass you by. 

Still, it wouldn’t be Christmas without remembering that the world and New Zealand has not had a super year or three.  When planning your ‘Great Kiwi Summer Holiday’ remember that for many there is no ‘holiday’ there is no ‘great’ and ‘summer holiday’ often means working two jobs at minimum wages to help your parents put food on the table for the family (and considering yourself lucky).

So, when planning your gift shopping, and your food, and your holidays, and hoping no one decides to go code red where you are when all you want is green, consider your blessings and share some around.

From Anne and the team at Shellock.

Our office will be closed from 17th December at mid-day, reopening on Monday 20th of January 2022.  Merry Christmas.

*  “Out of the north he comes in golden splendor; God comes in awesome majesty” Job 37 v 22

**  Aoraki Mount Cook Farm High Country Cottages are owned by Mary Hobbs (renowned writer and adventurer) and Charlie Hobbs (mountain guide extraordinaire, fire chief, mountain rescuer, adventurer and who makes a pretty good pizza at the Old Mountaineers Café Bar & Restaurant in Aoraki Mt Cook).  Although these brief descriptions don’t do them justice.  


Budget 2024

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